February 20, 2007

Ann, NYT Columnist

I thought today was going to be Ann's first day as guest columnist for the Times, but on waking this morning and clicking open the online paper, I found that she'd actually begun on Saturday. Anyway, for the dozen or so of you who don't already know about it, my first wife Ann Althouse is appearing in the Times on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays till the end of February. She's on Times Select, ironically (she's always expressed disapproval of that service), which means I can't see the piece online, and probably neither can you. I'll be dragging myself to the convenience store shortly for the rare purchase of a physical newspaper.

The first column was on judicial pay. Here's a link to it in syndicated form in the Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal.

The second column is on molding law tudents' minds, a livelier topic. Here's the link to Times Select if you can use that service.

Ann has achieved success entirely on her own merits, a rarity nowadays. I'm bursting with pride, with no irony.