June 01, 2009

Places I've Often Driven Past But Never Stopped At

...even though they look like my kind of place...because I'm hurrying to my destination.

1. Hill Country Cupboard, "Worlds Best Chicken-Fried Steak: Nearly 3 Dozen Sold."

2. House Park Barbecue, "Need No Teef to Eat My Beef." The old yellow sign is missing several letters, like the missing teeth in a geezer's grin.

3. Hye, Texas, a town consisting of one intersection between speed-limit signs. A combination post office/souvenir store -- I sometimes think the town exists to keep someone in a postmaster's job, like the job Faulkner was fired from for being too lazy to sell stamps; a small junkyard beside a graying ramshackle house where two or three small brown cows sit flapping their tails against the trunk of a shady live oak; a feed and pipe store with a shiny new aluminum silo; and a recent addition: a creative furniture store with brightly painted wooden benches displayed on the lawn.

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