November 18, 2005

Approach, Avoid

My close friend Lhombre -- Dan Ramirez -- minimalist painter, emeritus professor, impetuous commenter, and apprentice poet -- has decided to take his blog down a new road. He has posted a long personal discourse containing an intimate disclosure. Those of you who have come to care about him through his blog -- Luz -- will want to read this.

And a new blogfriend arrives this morning from Kerala, India -- Tom Mangatt, a journalist who has honored me by posting my rain haiku along with some by good and great writers past and present. Thank you, Tom, and welcome to the blogosphere. I'm hoping to read a great many interesting things on your site.

And now, people, I'm going to take the weekend off from blogging. I won't be posting tomorrow or Sunday, though I'll probably be reading blogs (so write good posts!). I've got some living to catch up on -- or at least some thinking about living.